Almost every man in the world has watched some sort of porn in their life, and almost every man in the world has masturbated to porn – and a lot of men masturbate to porn while in a relationship. So if porn itself ruined relationships there wouldn’t be many married couples left in the world.
Masturbating is natural, almost everyone has done it at some point whether you are a male or female you will find it hard to resist the urge to please yourself if it’s been a while since you’ve had sex. Men often please themselves while the female is on their period, admittingly the partner never usually knows about it and most women would get very annoyed if they caught their husband / boyfriend masturbating over other women, but it happens.
In the above situations, watching porn isn’t doing any damage to relationships. The trouble starts when (usually) the guy masturbates too much and his sex drive bombs which leads his partner to crave sex without getting any. This will then lead to an argument, which of course can be detrimental to a relationship.
So yes, porn can potentially harm relationships – but only when the man (or woman) has no self-control. It’s a common issue, a lot of guys in the world watch far too much porn which either damages their relationship of hinders them from starting a relationship in the first place.
This isn’t because they are not attracted to their partner anymore, or they prefer the look of pornstars. It’s an addiction, some people just love to watch porn; and as many guys know once you start watching porn it’s hard not to have a fiddle.
There is of course a happy medium, it’s totally possible to watch porn and be in a happy sex driven relationship. You just have to learn to control yourself, only watch porn when you can’t have sex with your partner i.e. during periods or when they are away.
When you are able to have sex with your partner, don’t even visit a porn website, don’t think about porn, don’t read erotica just have sex and enjoy it. If you don’t give your partner the attention they deserve than it will lead to trouble, either in the form of an argument or worse – they could start looking elsewhere for their loving.
So to sum up this article in one line – Learn to control your ‘horniness’, save it for your partner.
As a wise man once said:
“Porn doesn’t destroy relationships – overly horny men do”
Only kidding, I made up that line, but feel free to use it.